Thursday 16 March 2017

Flash Theory (Savitar Has Already Been Defeated)

Okay, time for another crappy half baked theory.
So I rewatched 3x09 and I noticed that in Savitar's dialogue when he kills Iris, there is nothing that specifically references the earlier events of the season. This was intriguing to me.
Then I remembered Savitar telling Barry that "You, Future you, You did this to me." Now that might not mean much at a first glance, seeing as we know Barry is still around a hundred years in the future, but look at it this way:
Savitar sees Barry in 2017 and sees him as a threat. Barry outsmarts or avoids Savitar, so to spite Barry, Savitar kills Iris in 2017. Barry, really mad about that, does something with the speedforce aliens (the ones that manifested as his loved ones from Season 2), or maybe summons the Black Flash or something, but he does something that traps Savitar in the Philosopher's Stone, and throws it as far back in time as he can go.
Eventually, Julian uncovers it, becomes Dr Alchemy in 2016, and frees Savitar, hence "Future You did this to Me." Then when Barry and Jay throw the stone into the speedforce, that's it. It's gone for good. The Savitar we see in 2017 is a slightly younger version of him.
What are your thoughts?

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