Friday 17 March 2017

Flash Theory Proof That Savitar Is Future Barry Allen

1. Firstly, in one of the episodes, SAVITAR says, “I am THE FUTURE, FLASH”. Maybe it was mis-pronounced on purpose. And maybe it reads “I AM THE FUTURE FLASH”. if you think this evidence isn’t enough. Keep reading. Suppose he means that he is the future. Then he is saying he is the future version of Barry, and therefore better than him - suggesting THE FUTURE FLASH arc. Keep reading. Best is yet to come…

2. SEASON 3, EPISODE 1 : REVERSE FLASH says “Now who is the villain FLASH? now who is the villain…?”

3. SEASON 3, EPISODE 2 : JAY GARRICK tells Barry that they’re not Gods, but just men.

4. SEASON 3 EPISODE 6 : SAVITAR introduces himself as a God.

5. SEASON 3 EPISODE 7: SAVITAR calls Barry a man.

6. SEASON 3 EPISODE 15: SAVITAR mocks Cisco for not accepting REVERB’s Offer to become a God. Who else knows about Reverb asking Cisco to join him? Barry was the only other one on Earth-2 with Cisco and the only other person than Cisco to hear Reverb’s offer. And we both know Cisco can’t be Savitar. Who else could it be? *MIND BLOWN*

7. When Barry asks how Savitar gets his powers, Savitar tells Barry, that SAVITAR created himself. Well, how does Barry get his powers? Get ready to have your mind blown. in a story arc in the comics, Barry is faced with a choice to sacrifice his life to save the city. We know what Barry will do, don’t we? When Barry Allen is about to die, he converts into pure energy, and turns into the very lightning that strikes him, giving his powers. In this way, he gives himself powers. *MIND BLOWN* But the present Barry doesn’t know he will die. But the future Barry knows this and future Barry is stuck in the speed force now, and gets corrupted after isolation. And turns into FUTURE FLASH. This is all true. I have faked none of this information. And FUTURE FLASH in the comics, kills Wally West and throws Barry in the Speed Force, and lives as Barry Allen in present day.

8. CAPTAIN HUNTER’S MESSAGE: FUTURE BARRY specifically tells RIP HUNTER not to trust Barry. Not yet convinced? Comment me a fault in this theory.

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